How do I know if my tires need replacing?
You’ll need new tires if the Tread Wear Indicators at three or more places around the tire can be seen. We recommend that the tires be inspected for signs of wear or damage at least once a month, and that vehicle owners seek professional service if the following are found:
Why is tire pressure important?
An underinflated tire can result in overloading and overheating, blowouts, excessive tire wear, poor handling and reduced fuel economy. Overinflated tires also can result in excessive tire wear.
Why is tire rotation important?
Each tire on a vehicle performs a different task, causing them to wear at different rates. Regular tire rotation allows tires to wear evenly, optimizing tire life and allowing tires to be replaced in sets of four, which is preferable.
Where should I go to get the right tires for my Chevrolet vehicle at the right price?
Our Certified Service experts at OBX Chevrolet can recommend tires that are right for your vehicle, your driving habits and your budget.